The Stranger I Love - Festivals/ PR & Marketing

by Theresa Godly in Addlestone, Surrey, United Kingdom

We did it
On 23rd July 2024 we successfully raised £9,091 with 70 supporters in 56 days

Now the film is completed, it is time to get it seen on the world's stage! We urgently need your help to fund festivals/ PR and Marketing.

by Theresa Godly in Addlestone, Surrey, United Kingdom

About me:

My name is Theresa Godly, I am a professional actor which is my day job, but three years ago I started writing 'The Stranger I Love' as an episodic series, this then led me to create and write the short film version, which I also produced and played the lead role in.  My wonderful cast and crew came together in September 2023 and we shot the film, which was subsequently completed and finally picture/ sound locked on 5th April 2024 (coincidentally my son's 16th birthday!)


What inspired this film:

I was inspired and motivated to write this story after being alienated from my beloved eleven-year-old son by his father. It hit me like a truck, one minute I was kissing my son goodbye as he went on holiday with his dad, three weeks later I was faced with a child I didn't recognise; one who said very hurtful things to me, words filled with hatred, words I’d never heard him use ever before which were completely out of character.  I realised that this coupled with his dad's refusal to help or bring my son home was suspicious, so I turned to social media and the internet, where I soon discovered that this is a global problem called 'parental alienation' and that if I wanted to ever see my son again, I had to wipe my tears and fight  for him. Over two years in family court and dealing with a corrupt child services system taught me that those with the power to rectify these situations are totally inept, and that the laws surrounding parental alienation and coercion of a child MUST change. I have connected with hundreds of other alienated parents/ grandparents and other extended families over the years and the suffering is abhorrent wherever you go, as is the failure of the family courts and governments.


Why do we need extra funds?

Now the film is completed, we must begin the arduous task of showcasing the film at international film festivals. This requires a targeted and concise festival strategy and we are thrilled that the best festival strategists in the business, FESTIVAL FORMULA (check them out online) have taken our film onto their slate. This came with a hefty price tag in itself, and now we need to fund the cost of each film festival submission which is huge. 


It is also vital to enlist the services of a specialist film PR company whose job it is to get media interest and focus onto the film, the filmmakers who can talk about the project in great depth AND the subject of the film - Parental Alienation/ coercive control of children. Again, this has a cost attached which we urgently needs funding for.  Marketing is very much rolled into publicity and is usually booked on a campaign by campaign basis.  I have got some publicity myself, but realistically I do not have time to devote to this as it is a full-time job for PR professionals.



Hopes for the film:

I wrote this film to demonstrate what parental alienation and the coervice control of children looks like, not only as a warning to those who may recognise certain behaviours, but also to raise awareness of this silent and psychological child abuse and shine a media spotlight on this subject matter.  My biggest hope is that the success of the film and publicity surrounding it, will start wider discussions within governments and we see a change in the laws surrounding parents' access to their children, and that allegations of parental alienation are thoroughly and carefully investigated whilst both parents have court-ordered access to their children. I also want to see parental alienation criminalised so that those who actively coerce a child to reject their other parent unjustifiably, face punishment. Of course it would be a proud moment to be nominated for a BAFTA and Academy Award, but it would actually mean just as much to have the film used as an educational piece in high schools and universities for children and young adults, and also at parliamentary health & social select committees so we can get discussions going within the government. 

And finally....

Thank you for reading this. We are excited and hopeful that the film does really well on the international film festival circuit, personally for myself as a filmmaker and mother fighting for this cause, it is a very nerve-wrecking time, but the support from others around the world is very appreciated and keeps me going through my low points. I am merely a mother desperately missing her child and feeling the pain and heartache of every parent, grandparent and child torn from from one another unnecessarily. I wanted to do my little bit for the cause, and I encourage others to do the same.

I hope you can support us with donating anything you can afford, and also sharing the link far and wide via social media, email and even whatsapp. Every penny counts, without the additional funds we will struggle to get 'The Stranger I Love' out into the world. Help us give parental alienation a voice and to see much-needed changes in family law so that children don't have to grow up without a loving parent in their lives, and families are not torn apart. The mental health effects on children losing one half of their identity is far-reaching and often irreversible. Help us stop this cycle The time is now!

1716900437_1716900436224.pngThe Stranger I Love is proudly aligned with and supported by registered charity Parental Alienation Awareness UK.

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