We stopped the Tories. What's next?

by Forward Democracy (MVTFWD) in Brighton, Brighton and Hove, United Kingdom

We stopped the Tories. What's next?

Total raised £49,330

raised so far



The country's biggest tactical voting project, we've helped remove many, many Tory MPs and councillors. Now, we're looking to the future…

by Forward Democracy (MVTFWD) in Brighton, Brighton and Hove, United Kingdom

Beyond General Election 2024

StopTheTories.Vote - the country's biggest tactical voting project ( We're also the team behind Swap My Vote )

General Elections, Council Elections, By-Elections, Mayoral Elections, and even Police And Crime Commissioner elections. Let’s keep out the extreme right wing from as many elected positions as possible.

"Welcome to the tactical voting election, where a record number of people are set to vote for their second — or even third — choice." - The Times

45% of voters planned to vote tactically - Good Morning Britain

13 million people could lend their votes to get the Tories out - Best For Britain

So, what happened? A LOT of tactical voting, is what.

  • 1.5 million people looked up their tactical voting recommendation on Stop The Tories, only possible with your help. We think the number of people that shared the information they found means this could easily be double.
  • 91 more Tory MPs out than would have happened otherwise*
  • 2 times more Labour MPs, on fewer votes than 2019, proof that votes were lent to them tactically by voters from opposition parties.
  • 72 Lib Dems MPs, more than ever before, because voters discovered they were the best choice in many constituencies.
  • 4 Green MPs, because voters could see that a Tory couldn’t get in, they could confidently vote with their hearts in places the Greens had a real chance.

This level of coordination makes 1997 look like a warm-up.

We didn’t quite get the Liberal Democrats into second place, but both they and the Greens won most of the seats they’d hoped for, and we’ll try to end the Tories next time by expanding our reach to a lot more people. And that would change the game.

Together we had a huge effect on the outcome, simply by sharing information and taking it into our own hands as voters. We showed that the anti-Tory voting community is coordinated, to remove the old government, and to give a new government a mandate to deliver a fair voting system.

We demand that the next general election be held using a system that delivers fair and equal votes. We demand Proportional Representation.

We built an interactive map to see how different levels of tactical voting could effect the GE result

This map is still live and shows we could go even further next time, putting the Tories into third place is now even more possible.


We helped voters to share with progressive candidates why they were voting tactically; and you can still put your postcode in and let them know your priorities.

This is crucial now to lobby hundreds of new MPs on the things their constituents show up for, regardless of manifesto promises.


So, what next?

Now we stick together to lobby the Labour government for Proportional Representation and to deliver on Britain’s progressive priorities.

Our movement will shift its focus toward demanding that Labour be bold. Our votes hold huge collective power, and we'll use them for change again in every election till 2029 and beyond.

We also need to exert sustained pressure on Labour to ignore the false narrative of the right wing media and think tanks, and listen to the people who vote for progressive change instead.

Join us? You're in good company.


Local elections  

Over the past 18 months, 700,000 people looked up how to vote tactically in their council, mayoral and other local elections.

1063 Tory councillors lost their seats in 2023.

This demonstrates the unprecedented appetite for change at every level and reminds MPs that we are consistently showing up and want better policies.


*example council website page

LISTEN to Radio 4's commentary and interview with our coordinator Josh Russell.


Your generous support so far has helped us to fund:

  • Technical improvements such as the postcode search from the excellent Democracy Club
  • Direct communications to a couple of hundred thousand members, with more signing up every day
  • Full-time social media support during GE2024
  • The mobilisation of celebrity activists online

Our wider fundraising helped us to achieve even more:

  • Ensuring our recommendations were the most accurate ever
  • Reaching more people who are looking for a real upgrade to our democracy
  • Developing campaigns with our growing community of Movement Forward supporters

We're up against right-wing billionaires, but there are more of us!

Cost of living

This may not be a good time for us to ask for money. 

So please, only support us financially if you're able to. 

And a massive thanks to everyone who has helped us achieve everything we’ve achieved so far.

This is just the start; help us power a movement and, together, let’s fast forward to a better future.

*Best For Britain 2024 tactical voting report

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