Fed up with the tone of politics in the UK right now? Too much shouting? Feel voiceless?
Be part of something incredible
More United is a movement using people-power to influence our politics. We’ll use crowdfunding to support candidates and MPs who stand by our values, regardless of what party they are from, and help them get elected.
More United soft-launched in the summer. 60,000 supporters signed up, and our volunteer team has been blown away by the support and encouragement we've had since then. Support that has meant we can now move to the next stage of our set up - our first crowdfund.
Donate now to become an Original Member of More United, and be at the start of something big - a plan to improve the makeup of Parliament, and change Britain for the better.

What does your money do?
Each donation received under £1,000 will go 100% to help More United’s first chosen candidates and MPs campaign. That means paying for leaflets and posters, Facebook ads, making t-shirts for volunteers.
Donations over £1,000 will go towards the operational set up of More United, rather than candidates - we think it’s better to keep big money out of politics!
“We are more united than the things that divide us”
Inspired by Jo Cox MP’s maiden speech, we’re making a stand for unity and inclusion in politics, we reject hatred and division. We will only support future MPs who sign up to these values:
Opportunity: a fair economy that bridges the gap between rich and poor.
Tolerance: a free, diverse society where our differences are celebrated and respected.
Democracy: real influence over politics.
Environment: do everything possible to tackle climate change and protect our environment.
Openness: welcome immigration, believe in bringing down international barriers, not raising them, and have a close relationship with Europe.
Sound like the kind of politics you can get behind? Donate to this crowdfund to make our future More United.
Give to become an Original
Only people who contribute to this launch campaign will become Original Members. There's no minimum limit - any amount you give will entitle you to become an Original. All we ask is that you give what you think is right and what you can afford.
As an Original, you'll get the right to vote on which candidates More United supports, and the power to transform politics.

How much have you already raised?
We've already had £29,000 in donations from 700 More United supporters, so we're already a large proportion of the way towards our goal.
More details about More United can be found on our website or on our FAQs page.