Watch the Channel 4 News Video here: https://www.channel4.com/news/campaigner-marcus-ball-we-still-accuse-boris-johnson-of-having-lied-to-the-public

Please note: Some journalists are making a lot of errors in their reporting of this case. We do our best to request corrections but the case is so widely covered now that this has become incredibly difficult. What matters regarding our case is ending lying in politics, not political matters themselves.
Please don't use our case as an excuse to insult Boris Johnson or anyone else involved.

Visit www.BorisJohnsonProsecution.com to see very detailed spending reports on how the money has been spent. In short, the funds raised are spent on legal fees, marketing and communication costs, Marcus's salary and expenses (working at less than minimum wage per hour), security considerations and etc. In short, whatever is required to effectively and safely carry out the requirements of the case.
You can find Marcus J Ball on Twitter as @MarcusJBall here.
Instagram here
Boris Johnson, Prime Minister, Marcus Ball, Marcus J Ball, Prosecution Case, Misconduct in public office, Prosecution of Boris Johnson, Boris Johnson prosecution case. Private prosecution case against Boris Johnson. Mr Johnson. Boris prosecution. £350 million a week. Lying in politics. The law of politics. Not about Brexit, but about the legality of politicians lying to the public. Mr Johnson is innocent unless proven guilty.